The Mandelbrot Set

To experience the Mandelbrot Set, use the mouse to select an area to zoom in on. Click on a point in the picture and while pressing the left mouse key, drag the mouse. A rectangle will appear. Let go of the mouse key and this rectangle will be enlarged. Right click to start over (or hit the refresh key) Enjoy!

This wonderful applet from Java Boutique was designed by Eckhard Roessel. Read below to see his description.

The so called 'Little Apple Man'

Description: Every point gets a spectral color which is like the number of loops when the sequence

Zn = Zn-1² + c

Z is a complex number, n is the loop counter and c is the constant value of the point

goes to infinity. All points which do not approach to infinity become black and are a part of the Mandelbrot set.

Benoit Mandelbrot This fractal was found 1976 by Benoit Mandelbrot. It is a symbol for the Chaos-Theory. The description of nature by mathematics became naturat.

© Eckhard Roessel 03/29/2001